Wednesday, October 31, 2007

Old Designer & Software Blues (vent)

My current supervisor has been designing for 1 million years. I think he helped invent typesetting. Anyway, he uses Quark 6.5 and Adobe Illustrator & Photoshop CS. No quite cutting edge. We both signed up for a seminar on InDesign CS3, I use InDesign CS2 all the time and I feel I am more than just an intermediate user, I also have been using Adobe CS2 for a couple years. My supe (AKA design director) doesn't know InDesign at all. So we are 2 days before the seminar and he says he can't go, he has to be at the office. This was his chance to get some insight into InDesign, learn what it is all about and see how much better it is than haggard old quirky Quark. I personally think he is afraid to learn it, he is content knowing what he knows and that's that. I also found out he wasn't needed to be at the office for anything other than normal work, he was He sees his own retirement in 2 years and couldn't care less about being cutting edge. This is the same supe who refuses to let me do a photo shoot (even though I have done them many times before), keeps all of the new design work for himself and gives me the crap that he either can't do or doesn't want to and prefers to work as individuals and not a team. He offers the clients 1 design and says that is the final, they seldom like it and find his stuff "dated." So, I am stuck working on CS for most things, stuck working in Quark for updating or making revisions to his crap and stuck begging for them to update to CS3 and stuck doing entry level work even though I am way above that. It is so frustrating. It is especially tough when all the product managers come to me and ask how they can get me to design their work, they do not like what they are getting compared to what I can do. It feels good to hear that but it sucks because I can't do anything about it. I want to do real work on up-to-date software, it is that simple.


Valerie said...

Watch what you say on your blog about employers; I've read about too many people losing their jobs that way! But on the other hand, I have complained about my job on my (other) blog, and I feel your pain. Sometimes people are just dense. It takes a constant effort to stay on top of the game...and they don't try. It's enough to drive anyone mad.

Phil said...

I understand where you are coming from. This is something that designers have to deal with on a day to day basis. It is always difficult to show people there is a newer and better way of doing something they have been doing for years. You just have to keep on chipping away. Keep your head up and don't let anyone suck the joy of designing a good peace.